I was born in Florence in 1946 and I live in Sesto Fiorentino since 1968. I was always mad about photography and my first click with a reflex camera was in 1970. 

I’m the president of Photographic section of " ARCA Spazioimmagine " of Florence since 1987. Passionate already in 1987 of photographic Audio-Visual shows, every year in October I organize a contest called " Slide-Show Rewiew " that has become the point of reference for slide-shows lovers. For the 10th Year Anniversary of this contest I realized a publication with all the works of participants.  

Since 1994 I’m a member of FIAF ( Italian Federation of Photographic Associations) and since 1997 I collaborate with DIAF (Department of Photographic Audiovisual). In 2003 I received the honour of BFI (Well-Deserved of Italian Photographic). I’am a member of FIAP " International Federation of Photographic Arts” since 2003. 

My eternal passion for the photo has brought me recently to participate some photographic contests achieving various admissions and some important prize. Some images of mine are been selected to take part in the team that won in 2004 the FIAP world championship   (International Federation of Photographic Arts) respectively in the Diacolor contest (23rd Biennal Color Slide in London) and (22nd Biennal exhibition for Color Print in Andorra in 2005).