My name is Luigi Sartori.  I was born in the province of Verona in 1939, but I studied in Vicenza where I met my wife.  We now live near Milan. 

I worked for a leading multinational computer firm for more than 30 years, and now, that I am retired, I can spend most of my time on the love of my life (next to my wife) – photography. 

I am a member of the Circolo Fotografico Monzese (the Monza Photographic Club) where I learned how to develop and improve my photographic skills. Here I meet with other photography enthusiasts and share personal exhibitions and slide projections.

I use  Nikon equipment  which I have always found very satisfactory. My passion started with Black and White printing and I still have my dark room.  I also tried colour printing, particularly cibachrome, but in the end Black and White won. I am afraid that I have now become rather lazy, so I take mostly colour pictures and have them developed by a laboratory. Apart from that I have developed a keen interest in using my computer to digitally edit and manipulate my photographs and have progressed to creating audio-visual slideshows which I enjoy doing very much.